PO Box 3024, Dubuque, IA 52004-3024

Bike Shed

Bike Shed

ARK Advocates provides access to adaptive bicycles!!

Thanks to a grant from Rotary Club of Dubuque and Spahn and Rose Lumber a bike shed is available to our community near the river walk. Through our partnership with the City of Dubuque the bike shed offers people with disabilities access to adaptive biking without the hassle of hauling.

  • A variety of adaptive bikes are rotated through the shed including: hand cycle, side-by-side electric, and tricycles of various sizes.
  • The Bike Shed is generally available from April/May through September/October for use on the Mississippi River flood wall.
  • To gain access to the bikes in the shed contact ARK Advocates by email or phone for the required application.
  • Want to utilize a bike for use at home?  Bikes may also be checked out for temporary use through the equipment loan program.
  • Have questions?  Email us at [email protected].
“Liam is a twenty-one year old young man with a catastrophic epilepsy and several other conditions that affect his cognitive, motor and social skills. Liam has no speech and is limited when communicating his wants and needs. Biking is one activity Liam has no issue expressing his joy for!
Liam was introduced to adaptive biking when in elementary school; his teacher organized a bike themed birthday party where he was able to socialize and enjoy the peers, he was unable to tell me about. His love for biking has remained consistent, although his only access to adaptive biking remains with ARK advocates.
Liam routinely enjoys utilizing an adaptive, side by side, tricycle and cruising the Dubuque flood wall. Access to this bike has been life altering for Liam; the ability to enjoy a standard social activity is priceless in his atypical life. The joy he emits is heart melting!”
–Jennifer McFadden (Liam’s Mom)